“Injured Money”

by Dan Karr

The Story: Too Unbelievable to be Fiction

Injured Money, by Dan Karr

Based on a true story, the author takes you through the events immediately following an accident all the way to settling multiple insurance claims and a lawsuit. At every step along the way, there is a clear description of the pitfalls to avoid so that you too can maximize the money you receive.

And for those who haven’t had an accident, this book is a must read because it will give you the insight you need to choose the right auto and medical insurance companies. Choosing the right insurance companies ensures you and your family members are protected when an accident occurs. The book is available in ebook and print versions.

The First Paragraph of “Injured Money”…

“What started with Emergency Medical Technicians moving my badly injured body from the worn pavement of an intersection into an ambulance concluded with me being awarded more than a quarter of a million dollars from auto insurance companies.  What happened in between is a shocking story that every person in America needs to know.  The grim reality is that consumers – like you and I – think we are protected because we have insurance.  I found out the hard way that this is untrue and wrote “Injured Money”  to not only expose how insurance companies behave when claims are filed, but to also help people who have either had an accident or just want to make sure they and their loved ones are protected…”